Call Recording

Record and save phone conversations for future reference and analysis.

Call Tracking

Call Tracking
Record and track phone calls to measure the performance of different marketing campaigns

Conversion Tracking

Track the number of calls that result in conversions and track the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns.

Campaign Tracking

Track and analyze the performance of different marketing campaigns by tagging and categorizing c


It only takes one-click to stop unwanted callers such as solictors or spammers with the caller blacklist

Call Whisper

Play a pre-recorded message to an agent before they answer a call.

Call Routing

Ability to generate and export data and reports in different formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF.

User Permissions

Restrict access for users to only see and have access to the phone numbers and features you want available to them.

Call Disposition

Assign specific codes to calls based on the outcome or next steps.

Call Reporting

Ability to generate and export data and reports in different formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF.

Call Analytics

Track important call metrics such as source, campaign, keyword, call duration, call disposition and more.

Email Notifications

Get email notifications for new calls, missed calls, calls of certain duration, voicemails and sms messages.